Statement on the Closing of Golden Gate Fields

July 20, 2023

Golden Gate Fields is Closing 

BERKELEY, CA. – After 80 years of operation, Golden Gate Fields racetrack is closing. Golden Gate Fields, one of the Bay Area’s last remaining horse racing tracks, has been a contentious site amongst Berkeley residents since its inception because of its exploitative business practices. Animal rights and labor activists have long since advocated for its reform through policies better protecting workers and horses and through political action.  

Thank you so much to these steadfast activists for ensuring that humans and animals are no longer subject to abuse by the horse racing industry in our City. I feel grateful to have been able to work with diligent partners to develop a policy that expanded protections to racehorses in Berkeley and advocated for their welfare. While we may never know if my proposed legislation had an impact on the decision to close the fields, I know that a strong, galvanized community is powerful even in the face of the most profitable industries.  

Kate Harrison 
Berkeley City Council



